Friday, June 22, 2007

One day post revision

Once the local anaesthetic wore off last night, my abdomen hurt and it also hurt to turn from side to side in bed. I thought it would not really be uncomfortable as my previous lipo as not much was taken out, however I was wrong. The upside though is that unlike the previous time I was able to take my child to school and though my stomach hurts somewhat I guess its not as bad as the time before. I had forgotten how dreadful the pressure garment was and as it was a little big for me, I am wearing a binder over it around the lipo'd area and when I woke up this morning I had backache. I really dislike wearing it, but maybe this time (seeing its a revision and most probably the last of this area) I will wear it day and night for the full prescribed time. Not looking forward to it though.

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